Deepika Padukone has finally got her dream man and he is noneother than liquor baron Vijay Mallya’s son Siddharth Mallya. Though the duo has yet not declared their love, their public display of love indicates that they are couple very much in love. Deepika is very possessive about her beau and that Siddharth partied with Sophie Choudhary did not go well with the dusky beauty. When Siddharth Mallya partied with Sophie after one particular IPL match and the news circulated wide over, Deepika was disheartened. She warned Sid partying with other girls.
A source revealed, “They are no longer casually dating. The recent developments have made us believe so. Their conduct when they are not with each other has changed dramatically in the last one-and-a-half months.
Remember Sid was spotted with Sophie Choudry at a party when Dips was shooting in Bhopal? After that incident, Sid hasn`t been spotted with any other girl. And it is by design, not accident.”
Dips is very serious about Sid and ever since she started dating the business tycoon son, she stopped bonding with other guys.
“Also, Dips hasn`t been bonding with any other guy. The duo are not cutting off from their friends of the opposite sex, just being careful that nothing mars what they share,” continued the source.
Since then Sid was spotted partying with only few of his selected friends.
Despite being possessive, Deepika is also a devoted girlfriend. "She had just returned from ‘Desi Boyz’ shoot and she was jet-lagged but she packed her bags and flew off to meet Sid. They spent the entire day with each other and partied at night. They even shared a kiss in full public view,” finally added the source.
Well, Deepika has finally found her perfect match in Sidhartha!
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